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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pocohantas by Penny

Pocahontas Speech

By Penny Flynn


Hello, I’m Pocahontas (wave and curtsy).  I was born around 1595 in the forest meadow part of Virginia. I am the daughter of Chief Powhatan. I was educated by my mom, she taught me cooking and other housekeeping chores. (Scoot to the left then the right)


 In 1607, the first English settlers came. I saved John Smith’s life. I was captured by the settlers in 1613. I wanted peace between the English and Native Americans. In 1614 I married John Rolf. In 1616 I traveled to England with John and had a son named Thomas Rolf . I last died in 1617 of great unexpected illness.


 Important Words

 Settlers-People who move to a new place and make a new home.  Capture –To be taken or to take someone or something by using Force. Respect-To admire or have a good opinion about someone.

I wanted peace with the Native Americans to understand each other and get along.

What she/I look like

I have copper skin, a woven white mantle, a feather in my long dark hair. Would take place in England or virgina.


People with Connections

Sacagawea, and Mary Musgrove or Coosaponakeesa. We are all Native Americans. We all wanted peace with the different settlers near our homes.

Good to Know

*  In real life I am two types of Native American, Cherokee, and east Lakota.




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