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Monday, June 17, 2013

George Washington By Nicholas

George Washington speech

By Nicholas
Early life


Hello old folks my name is George Washington. I’d like to tell you about my life. I’m NOT bragging or anything but I’m a BIG BIG BIG part of this Country!!!{LAUGHS}

I was born on February 22 1732. I was born in Westmoreland County in Virginia.

When I was young I loved hunting, swimming, adventure and riding horses.


My half brother Lawrence


I had a half brother named Lawrence he had always convinced me to join the military. But I always replied [I have too much work to do on the farm with my mom and dad.

The end of ********

 When I was 19 my 2nd father died [sob][sob][sob] it was Lawrence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  1st my father then my 2nd father well Lawrence died. So that was it I joined the military!!!!!!!!!!!!

A general

When I joined the military I completely rose through the ranks soon I became lutenint colonel so I was a general serving the British. In 1754 through 1758 I fought in the French and Indian war. The French told the Indian’s to help them so the Indians did help the French to try and conquer some of the British’s land.

The winner is……………………


The winner of the war is…. The French!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the French conquered some of the British’s land.

Returning home for now…

After the war George returned home to Mt. Vernon back home he married Martha Custis and became a stepfather to her 2 children.  George and the colonists bought a lot of stuff in England that they couldn’t buy in America. The king of England made them pay taxes for stuff like tea and stamps. Colonists were angry and asked the king to stop the taxes because the Colonists didn’t like it. But the king said no so we decided to come back and fight. And this was the start of the revolutionary war!!!

The Revolutionary war

When they started the war it was winter George and his army were like always tired and Freezing cold [Brrrrrrr!!!] We often ran out of supplies. George gave lots of his money to help his soldiers.  They lost many battles. But George never gave up [Yay!]  One day they even did a sneak attack. Later they finally won the war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Yeah yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]

The king?

People said George Washington should be king but George Washington didn’t that much power so. He wanted to be called a president. So he became president for 8 years/2 terms. [1 term equals 4 years][2 terms equals 8 years!]

  The end of ******
In 1799 George Washington died!!!! [Sob sob!!!!!!!!!!!]



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