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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Eleanor Roosevelt By Audrey

Eleanor Roosevelt Speech

By Audrey

Hi! My name is Eleanor Roosevelt. I was born on October 11, 1884 in New York. When I was three I sailed on a cruise ship that got attacked. And from that day on I was scared of the ocean. My parents died when I was eight. I went to live with my grandmother when I was ten. She sent me to school in England.


I married Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 7, 1905. When I was 18 I moved back to New York. I got a job at a settlement house. I taught immigrants and poor families new things. I taught them dances and exercise classes. I had six children. I became the first lady of the US.


Franklin became president of the USA in 1932. Franklin got a sickness called polio in 1921. They called me the president’s eyes and ears because of his illness. I did more work than most first ladies. Franklin couldn’t travel because of his illness. I traveled across America for him. I told him how the people lived and what they needed. I said that I began to think there are ways I can be useful. I also said that Franklin’s illness proved to be a blessing in disguise, for it gave him strength and courage that he had not had before.

I was more than a first lady. I fought for women rights and human rights. I often asked that only women reporters came to my speeches so TV channel makers would hire women reporters.     


Franklin died in 1945. I died on November 7, 1962.







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